Thrive Apprentice

Thrive Apprentice has been updated to 5.1.1.

Thrive Apprentice has been updated to 5.1.2.

Trying to figure out what is causing the error but upon searching all the php files i noticed thisā€¦

 * This transient name does not need to include the skin ID, just use the default transient name
 * @return string
public function get_transient_name() {
	return 'ttb_cloud_' . $this->theme_element;

// On skin download check first the TPM connection data and refresh the TTW auth token before going further
public function before_zip() {

	// Check / refresh TTW access token before download skin
	$tpm_connection = method_exists( 'TPM_Connection', 'get_instance' ) && class_exists( 'TPM_Request' ) ? TPM_Connection::get_instance() : false;
	if ( $tpm_connection && true === $tpm_connection->is_expired() ) {

	// User does't have his TTW account connected in TPM
	// Stop here, no need to start other requests
	if ( ! $tpm_connection ) {
		$update_check_url = sprintf( '<a href="%s" class="ttb-tpm-err-link">link</a>', admin_url( 'update-core.php?force-check=1' ) );
		throw new Exception( __( "Please make sure you have the latest version of Thrive Product Manager by clicking on this " . $update_check_url, 'thrive-theme' ) );


I can change what the text says and change the link but when i delete some of the code above wordpress website failure so i have to resture the text blocks as is and it works againā€¦

Festinger do you know how to get round this?

The file is in the following locationā€¦
file name is class-thrive-theme-cloud-api-skins.php

Not sure what relevance but there is also the folllowing in that folder

Thanks in advance

Just adding you in on this festinger what do you think is it nullable with the above info?

Thanks @shreddy for taking the time to post this here.

I will check it in the first week of new year to see if it can be added :wink:

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Any chance of getting the latest version as I am seeing this error 01.27.2023-10.07.45


Thrive Apprentice has been updated to 5.1.3.

You guys should start updating all thrive themes at once because at the moment thrive apprentice doesnā€™t work with thrive theme builder because apprentice needs to update. This suite works together, so Iā€™d appreciate if you guys update all these at once to the same version when you are updating.

Thrive Apprentice has been updated to 5.2.1.

Thanks for reporting.All other thrive items has been already updated to its latest version except Thrive Apprentice.

This plugin crashes wp when activated. I edited LicenseManager.php as described but after several attempts I canā€™t get a working installā€¦ please reply with tips or solutions.

When are you guys planning to update it?

It has been updated already today.

Thrive Apprentice has been updated to 5.3.

Whatā€™s the solution to work around ā€œupdate the plugin because it does not work Error: Please make sure you have the latest version of Thrive Product Manager by clicking on this [link]ā€ ? It prevents the plugin from going through setup process.


What version of Thrive Apprentice are you using?

The newest version 5.3

All thrive plugins are current


@Steve ā†’ can you please update all these instances?

Recently updated all the Thrive plugins.