Cannamed - Cannabis & Marijuana WordPress

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This is a support topic for Cannamed - Cannabis & Marijuana WordPress

The intention of this topic is to give you the opportunity to discuss problems and difficulties with other Festinger Vault customers, e.g. how to address incompatibilities or fix bugs, report malfunctioning features, or get help on how to configure this download.

:warning: You can ask us for update requests here as well! :love_you_gesture:

To request an update of a particular theme or plugin, kindly let us know your preferred version number and we will update it as soon as possible. Although update requests usually do not make much sense because we publish them as soon as they are available and we have the time to upload them.


I recently purchased the one-time credit, does this qualify for this theme download (Cannamed - Cannabis wordpress) as it seems to be rejecting it.

disregard the above LOL!

missing installation instruction file, unable to locate index.html (sorry for the two msg’s above, no option to delete them)

No worries :slight_smile:

Could you please upload a screenshot of this error, so we can help you out?

Here you go man, please extract it.

Appreciate that, however, would you be able to refer me on some sort of instructions how to get this theme configured correctly as the userguide you sent works only if I have a license to link to envetomarket “Please enter your theme’s purchase code to install the theme’s core features, import demo content and to be able to update the theme’s core functionalities in the future.” otherwise its all disabled :(.


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Please note that we do not provide license keys, and the import of demo content is not a part of our services.

Meanwhile, please have a look at this thread which explains the entire process. :slight_smile:

:frowning: doesnt look like its possible, was unable to locate the file. Based on the article it mentions you offer the license at a feed, what is the fees?


Please note that this is just a sample of a code change.

This license is not available I am afraid.

what seems to be simple for one, sounds more complicated for others(me) LOL.
Would you be able to help me out on getting this theme nulled, I am unable to locate the LicConfig.php file or the code stated in the FAQ you provided.


Yes, it’s a complex process.

Please check my earlier statement that the link I sent you is just some code samples.

This theme cannot be nulled, as a license key is required in order to download the demo content.

Here are the additional downloads:

Demo (959.8 KB)
Additional (244 Bytes)

Thanks Festinger, I ended up buying the template finally. :slight_smile: Hunting for some good plugins now.


I can’t import the demos of the theme, it asks for a license. Can someone help me please?

Hello @mao.gomez – thanks a lot for your comment here.

Please check this reply for the demo content.

Thanks, these come inside the package, but there is no way to upload them to the administrator, there is no importer, or know a generic importer for this topic?

You need the Revolution Slider in order to import the demo content.