Elementor Template Kits

a suggestion for improvement!
please can you include a filter for niche or type. Example: I’m trying to locate some options for woocommerce and I have to go through the pages…
I would be very grateful and I believe it would help other users.

Great suggestion @abrio.

What kind of selection criteria do you want?

Same as ThemeForest themes?

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I think I have a filter where we can choose kits by niche or by woocommerce / blog / institutional or by type of builder (elementor, wpbakery, etc). It would be something very welcome to speed up the searches.

it would even be interesting to add this possibility to the themes available on the platform. Thank you so much for this! :wink:

Thanks for this suggestion @abrio.

We are currently investigating to see if this can be implemented, but with over 15K+ of tags in our current system, there is no easy way to just make a ‘dropdown’ and show all the values. :wink:

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