Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme

this error: Screenshot by Lightshot

Hi @fadeyev.maxim and @udydigital,

Thanks for reporting this issue. Iā€™m tagging my team mate @steve to see if this issue can be resolved. Thanks!

Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme has been updated to 3.2.6. You can download this version from here.

After the latest update, the theme doesnā€™t allow managing theme and pages settings.I can not use my site please we have been waiting for help for 1 week

Hello! I installed this theme, but canā€™t go to dashboard - i have screen that itā€™s not activated.

Can You fix this?

Itā€™s been two weeks and the scanning process is still not finished. Please complete it so we can proceed with the download.

Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme has been updated to 3.2.7. You can download this version from here.

Itā€™s still not activated :confused: @Martin @Steve

We encountered an issue with the activation . Weā€™re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as itā€™s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

Any news?

Hello @Steve! Hello @Martin!
Any news about activation? :grimacing:

Unfortunately, there is no update yet. The latest version does not allow bypassing with the pre-activation used previously. We will update once a solution is found.

Please update Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme from 3.2.7 to 3.2.8. @Steve

We would LOVE to update to its latest version, but we encountered an issue with the activation with its latest version. Weā€™re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as itā€™s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

Can you not update themes/plugins if they are not activated and not working? This is very confusing.

Please update Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme from 3.2.7 to 3.2.9. @Steve

Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme has been updated to 3.2.9 . You can download this version from here.

Nice glitch
Festinger Vault isnā€™t Essentials, or is it ?:wink:
Please check this content

Version 3.2.9 has been uploaded now. Thanks for the report.

So I might have figured out a solution to have updated themeā€¦

What you need is the latest version of the theme and 3.2.0 version of pixfort-core. Once you have it installed on the latest version which as of right now is 3.2.10 and pixfort core 3.2.0, you will not be able to access theme options since the tab dissapears.

But ā€¦ if you go to your WP URL and add: admin.php?page=pixfort-options#/ it will open without an error (or so it did for me). If it opens without a problem simply click on SAVE and then update the pixfort core.

BOOM! Should work just fine with the latest version.

I do have this theme bought but decided to play around for you guys. Let me know if this works?