Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme

this error: Screenshot by Lightshot

Hi @fadeyev.maxim and @udydigital,

Thanks for reporting this issue. Iā€™m tagging my team mate @steve to see if this issue can be resolved. Thanks!

Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme has been updated to 3.2.6. You can download this version from here.

After the latest update, the theme doesnā€™t allow managing theme and pages settings.I can not use my site please we have been waiting for help for 1 week

Hello! I installed this theme, but canā€™t go to dashboard - i have screen that itā€™s not activated.

Can You fix this?

Itā€™s been two weeks and the scanning process is still not finished. Please complete it so we can proceed with the download.

Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme has been updated to 3.2.7. You can download this version from here.

Itā€™s still not activated :confused: @Martin @Steve

We encountered an issue with the activation . Weā€™re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as itā€™s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

Any news?

Hello @Steve! Hello @Martin!
Any news about activation? :grimacing:

Unfortunately, there is no update yet. The latest version does not allow bypassing with the pre-activation used previously. We will update once a solution is found.

Please update Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme from 3.2.7 to 3.2.8. @Steve

We would LOVE to update to its latest version, but we encountered an issue with the activation with its latest version. Weā€™re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as itā€™s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

Can you not update themes/plugins if they are not activated and not working? This is very confusing.

Please update Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme from 3.2.7 to 3.2.9. @Steve

Essentials | Multipurpose WordPress Theme has been updated to 3.2.9 . You can download this version from here.

Nice glitch
Festinger Vault isnā€™t Essentials, or is it ?:wink:
Please check this content

Version 3.2.9 has been uploaded now. Thanks for the report.