Independent Analytics Pro

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This is a support topic for Independent Analytics Pro

The intention of this topic is to give you the opportunity to discuss problems and difficulties with other Festinger Vault customers, e.g. how to address incompatibilities or fix bugs, report malfunctioning features, or get help on how to configure this download.

:warning: You can ask us for update requests here as well! :love_you_gesture:

To request an update of a particular theme or plugin, kindly let us know your preferred version number and we will update it as soon as possible. Although update requests usually do not make much sense because we publish them as soon as they are available and we have the time to upload them.


Thanks for providing independent analytics pro! I just installed the plugin and it is asking for a license key. I am unable to get past the “Activate licence” prompt. Please help

It is asking for a license key. Please fix. Thanks!

Yes, we are ware and we notified it got protected by Freemius, which is a little headache to bypass :frowning:

Awh :frowning: Hope you can figure it out soon! I know you folks will :smiley:

Our team checked the source code but wasn’t able to bypass it.

We have passed the file to a senior code friend of mine personally, and we will check if it can be bypassed.

Fingers crossed! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you, really hoping your senior code friend can bypass it. Fingers crossed indeed! :crossed_fingers:

Asking license key. Kinldy resolve.

Any developments on this ?

We are excited about this plugin, awaiting the update.

Powered by Freemius
You are just one step away - **[Complete “Independent Analytics” Activation Now] :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Rejected Lord Of The Rings GIF by Pudgy Penguins

I think I’m just going to buy a license. It looks like FV is unable to bypass protection. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Hi @carlgarside,

Our team is still trying to make sense of this messy spaghetti. It is huge and redundant in functions. The Fremius file alone has around 26,000 lines. I will report either as soon as completed or the contrary.

Greetings Festinger

Thank you for responding and updating us about the status of this Plugin.

I decided to do some research into competing products and came across this amazing one called: Fathom Analytics

Whilst it’s not a plugin that operates from within WordPress, it is still one of the most highly reviewed services out there, affordable, extremely functional, and a much better alternative compared to Google and Independent Analytics Pro.

I decided to purchase a license. I can highly recommend it. If any other FV community member is looking for a recommendation, this would be the number one choice if you did not want to wait for FV to successfully bypass the protection for this plugin.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your feedback @carlgarside.

Unfortunately, there is no update yet. I can already go to the control panel and do some things but others give errors.

This Freemius thing gets into the plugin’s DNA, so to speak, and the different attempts to bypass it break other things.

I have worked with it three times when I have the spare time. Let’s see if I can manage to solve it.

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Fantastic @Martin :clap:

Keep up the amazing work you guys have been doing!

P.S: Upgraded to the new Lifetime VIP plan (Just to support the FV project). :partying_face:


kindly try to resolve it faster

Are you able to help us to solve the code of 26K lines of code?

Yeah sure, i will help you. before that, teach me how to solve it. :slight_smile:

Any new updates? (no rush, thanks!)

Unfortunately, there are not updates yet. Freemius is really hard to bypass and we’re doing our upper best to dissolve their puzzle. :wink: