Simply Static Pro

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This is a support topic for Simply Static Pro

The intention of this topic is to give you the opportunity to discuss problems and difficulties with other Festinger Vault customers, e.g. how to address incompatibilities or fix bugs, report malfunctioning features, or get help on how to configure this download.

:warning: You can ask us for update requests here as well! :love_you_gesture:

To request an update of a particular theme or plugin, kindly let us know your preferred version number and we will update it as soon as possible. Although update requests usually do not make much sense because we publish them as soon as they are available and we have the time to upload them.

Please update Simply Static Pro 1.2.1 to 2.1.6. @Steve

We would LOVE to update to its latest version, but we encountered an issue with the activation with its latest version. We’re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as it’s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

Meanwhile, please have a look at this thread which explains the entire process. :slight_smile:

Please update Simply Static Pro 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. @Steve

We would LOVE to update to its latest version, but we encountered an issue with the activation with its latest version. We’re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as it’s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

Meanwhile, please have a look at this thread which explains the entire process. :slight_smile:

Please update Simply Static Pro 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. @Steve

We would LOVE to update to its latest version, but we encountered an issue with the activation with its latest version. We’re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as it’s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

Meanwhile, please have a look at this thread which explains the entire process. :slight_smile:

Please update Simply Static Pro 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. @Steve

We would LOVE to update to its latest version, but we encountered an issue with the activation with its latest version. We’re unable to bypass the security in its latest version, as it’s making a lot of server API calls. We will update the file as soon as possible once we got a solution for this.

Meanwhile, please have a look at this thread which explains the entire process. :slight_smile:

Simply Static Pro has been updated to

Hi , i activate this plugin but no options in pro is appear. did i have to do something ? thanks

Same here unfortunately.

The file has been replaced now.

Download twice today , and still no pro features available. it needs activation key.

The issue has been fixed now.

Thanks for update , but the latest file i download still not unlock any pro features. this is what i did :

  1. install simply static plugin from wordpress repository
  2. install simply static pro from here

should i do something ?

Hi @waldisa,

Thanks for reporting this again.

Would you be able to provide us with a screenshot, so we can check the issue here?

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He probably did not email activate the plugin, I tested it and activated the email activation and it seems to work for me.

There seems to be something wrong with the plugin, I get all the PRO functions but it does not upload anything to BunnyCDN even though I´ve used the right API keys and storage password. Is it possible for you guys to test this plugin out by the books?

Plugin has a license activation required, it’s not possible to use