The Official Public Roadmap of the Festinger Vault! Screenshots + Beta Invite!

Hi Festinger Vault Family,

Welcome to the public roadmap of Festinger Vault. This is where you can stay updated about upcoming releases and planned features for our evolving service. The public roadmap is divided into four main sections:

  1. Festinger Vault Plugin: This is our beloved plugin where all the magic happens.
  2. Main Website: This section includes all the development related to our primary domain,
  3. Engine: This is the core of our system, which involves backend work to improve stability and speed for endpoint users.
  4. Community: our community platform where we offer support.

The Festinger Vault project reinvents how we build and maintain WordPress websites. We aim to provide access to affordable WordPress themes and plugins with enterprise features.

If you’re interested in joining us, sign up for our service, meet the people behind our team, and start developing, designing, and selling WordPress websites.

:warning: Would you like to see screenshots of the new Festinger Vault plugin? You can find them at the bottom of the page. :nerd_face:

:heart_eyes: Do you want beta access to all these awesome features? Join here!

Here are the planned releases for 2024 and links to their respective feature overviews. Any projected dates are only for discussion and planning purposes and will be firmed up as we approach release.


:white_check_mark: = Finished
:nerd_face: = Started
:calendar: = Scheduled

Festinger Vault Plugin

Our top priority is to re-code the entire Festinger Vault plugin.

Feature Status Planned
Base Framework in ReactJS :white_check_mark: April 2024
Base Layout design of plugin :nerd_face: May 2024
License and Token with Main Website :nerd_face: May 2024
WP Themes, Plugins and Kits Import :nerd_face: May 2024
Custom Filters and Ordering :calendar: May 2024
Data integration and segmentation per item :nerd_face: May 2024
Integration with TypeSense Search :nerd_face: June 2024
White Label Branding :calendar: June 2024
Automatic Updates :nerd_face: June 2024
Multi Language :calendar: June 2024
Custom Lists / Bookmarks :calendar: July 2024
Bulk Downloads / Installations :calendar: July 2024
Advanced Access Control :calendar: July 2024
Custom CSS Ability :calendar: July 2024
Version Log :calendar: July 2024
Notifications integration :calendar: July 2024
Live Chat / Support Integration :calendar: July 2024
Password protected / 2-factor auth :calendar: July 2024

We will launch a beta version of the Festinger Vault plugin with basic functionalities before developing all features simultaneously. We will include more information about this progress soon.

Main Website

Modifying the primary website will involve alterations to the front-end and back-end systems.

Feature Status Planned
Migration to Blocks Theme :white_check_mark: February 2024
New Brand Identity :white_check_mark: February 2024
Migration to ReactJS dashboard :white_check_mark: March 2024
Data management to Advanced Custom Fields :white_check_mark: March 2024
Redesign of User Dashboard Menu :white_check_mark: March 2024
Inserting 20+ Filters on Category Pages :nerd_face: May 2024
Recoding VirusTotal API connection to improve scanning speed :white_check_mark: May 2024
Download processing from PHP to ReactJS :white_check_mark: May 2024
Recoding additional downloads :white_check_mark: May 2024
Recoding version log :white_check_mark: May 2024
From LiteSpeed to NGINX server :white_check_mark: May 2024
Improving 2-factor authentication :nerd_face: May 2024
Email notifications of new items per category level :nerd_face: May 2024
Email notifications of new updates per item :calendar: June 2024
Restoring bulk downloads for lifetime users :calendar: June 2024
Adding more payment gateways :calendar: June 2024


The heart of our services. Without the engine, no Festinger Vault.

Feature Status Planned
From Laravel to ReactJS to improve data processing :white_check_mark: March 2024
Entire recoding of endpoints, API and requests handling :white_check_mark: March 2024
Preparing endpoints for current legacy plugin :white_check_mark: March 2024
API preparations for reselling :calendar: July 2024


The core of our community comprises you and other WordPress developers.

Feature Status Planned
Reverting back from XenForo to Discourse (ugh) :white_check_mark: February 2024
New design with matchable color schemes and fonts :white_check_mark: February 2024
Improved connection between production website and community :white_check_mark: March 2024
Reconnecting all downloads with support topics :white_check_mark: March 2024


Here, we list other upcoming changes related to our brand.

Feature Status Planned
Reconnecting with social media auto publish :white_check_mark: March 2024
Video Tutorials :calendar: July 2024
Rewriting Documentation :calendar: July 2024

We will be adding more features shortly.

:heart_eyes: Screenshots!

Here are some screenshots of the layout for the new Festinger Vault plugin. We’re thrilled to show you the beta version soon!

Automatic Updates

This is an overview of the new automatic updates screen.

Access Control

Create new roles that have access to your white-labeled Festinger Vault plugin.

Create New Roles

Create new roles and assign permissions to each role.

White Label Branding

This is just the beginning of the white-label features. More to come.

:warning: Would you like to see screenshots of the new Festinger Vault plugin? You can find them at the bottom of the page. :nerd_face:

:heart_eyes: Do you want beta access to all these awesome features? Join here!

Final Note:

We know you guys are excited to see the new sexy new plugin. However, as announced previously, we will launch only a new stable version when everything is 100% tested and ready for production websites.

Meanwhile, we will provide access to our beta version in our beta section of this community.


Thanks for this detailed roadmap, I can’t wait for the first beta! :star_struck:
I have registered to the beta :muscle:

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Looking forward to all the new stuff that is coming!
Thanks for the roadmap. I signed up for the beta💪🏻

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I’m in. Thank you!

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Too late too register to the beta? Interested here

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You can check the opening post for the link to sign up for the closed beta.

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Can You accept my request? Thank You!

You have been accepted!

You have already a price for the White Label? I have super interest.

Interested beta test

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The white label feature is included in the lifetime VIP and professional membership.

You can check our announcement for the beta request procedure, thank you.

Hi, I have applied for Beta testing, but I got no reply. What is my status?

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you have to wait a bit i think

We have a beta test thread here:

You can follow the process if you have been accepted as a beta tester.

A post was split to a new topic: Some questions about the Festinger Vault setup

It is so awesome that the first day that I join, you guys bring this up, amazing work!

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Thanks for the feedback @Revvy

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Please accept my request.

@Martin Hey, when you get a min to check my Beta access request, I’m a bit behind on updates, and v4.2.8 isn’t working for me.