WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Addon - (Import / Export)

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WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Addon - (Import / Export) has been updated to 7.5

WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Addon - (Import / Export) has been updated to 7.6.

The latest version of the plugin uploaded here is not working without a license. :frowning:
It only work if we don’t press “register”. Once we press that, the other tabs in the plugin freeze until we input a valid license.

Hi @cmdaltctr,

What will happen if you add any value in the license field and press register?

Please update WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Addon - (Import / Export) 7.6 to 7.7. @Steve

WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Addon - (Import / Export) Version 7.7 (9 March 2023)

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Hi there, could you please update/review WooCommerce Google Spreadsheet Addon - (Import / Export) 7.6.

Plug-in functionality is not available to test, unless a license key is supplied. ( see image attached)

The file has been replaced now. Thanks.