Plugin update - Festinger

@martin, I noticed that on some sites the Festinger plugin is not updating the installed plugins. Any idea what it could be?

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i have had this issue on racknerd, so i moved to siteground to hopefully fix this issue and some plugins are still not showing in the auto-update section of the festingervault plugin :frowning: i hope this issue can be fixed

i think they are improving the plugin update section in the new version of the plugin

Me too. I can say at none of my servers, any plugins installed via Festinger do update, even if you force an update. Nothing happen.

Thanks for the topic, gentleman.

Please note that we have some issues with the current automatic update structure, which uses our API endpoints.

I have asked our lead developer to see if there is a fix for this.

Since over 2 weeks no updates possible on all sites (web and local), neither via “vault” > “change version” nor via manual update button :o(

We are focusing 100% on releasing the new plugin.

We are aware of the issue related to automatic updates. Please note that the current version cannot be ‘fixed’ as the old endpoints are not connected anymore with our renewed update mechanism.

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Perfect! I already suspected that.
The best option now is to wait for the launch (incredible by the way) and calm our customers. It is part of the improvement process…


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For those who joined the beta program, please read this thread for an update.

The link is broken.

I find that the current api does report updates in the plugin update page and only reports product versions up to the previous version when trying to get info on an individual product. So all dialogs in the FV plugin regarding individual products will just update up to the previous version and not to the up to date version, what means the update functions don’t work anymore.

Why is the api broken in such a way and why isn’t it fixed? Is there an alternative api that will report the latest version? Right now and for some time all updates have to be performed manually an no bulk updates can be performed. It’s an annoyance.

update stuff will be fixed in new festingervault version, to update things now you have to download them and upload them manually until then

Thanks for the feedback @hansschuijff - but please read this topic about the beta program.

Please check this announcement.

As we announced in the last three significant updates, our new engine is being developed, and certain features are not connected to our new endpoints for various reasons. With a small production team, we are focusing 100% on releasing the new FV plugin very soon rather than focusing on the legacy plugin as announced.

Thanks for the feedback!

any update for the latest auto update and update in this plugin ? cause still have error when make update and auto update

Wait for the new plugin version and it’ll be fixed.

For the last 3 weeks, I have been unable to update both Elementor Pro and Ultimate Addons for Elementor plugins. I am using the Astra theme and although it is listed in your plugin list (as I originally used your version) I recently bought the licence.
Looking for some help on this,

Im am not able to update my plugins using Festinger Vault plugin, for example the latest version (2.0.54) of the the Blocksy Companion (Premium) plugin is not available for download the most recent available version is (2.0.42), i tried to reinstall the Festinger Vault plugin, reactivate my License Key and to Sync my plugins but it did not work and i still have 7 Download Credits out of 12.

Hey there! I’ve combined your topics with the thread discussing the update issue in the Festinger Vault plugin’s current version. We’re aware that the automatic updates aren’t working well with the current version and we apologize for the inconvenience.

We plan to release a closed beta by the end of this month, as mentioned in the linked source earlier in this thread. Stay tuned for further updates!

Edit: please check this thread for the most recent updates: